Health Benefits of Exercise

Health Benefits of Exercise

Most men know that they need to exercise to burn calories and maintain weight to look their best. However, the benefits are more than superficial: being in good physical shape helps men live longer, reduces the risk of some diseases, improves their quality of life, and can even help maintain testosterone levels as they grow in age.

Staying active throughout your life is the most powerful way to keep fit and live long enough to enjoy your body and all the things you’ve worked for all your life.

It is nothing new now that exercise makes the heart and lungs work efficiently. According to many studies, exercise can help prevent diabetes in adults, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and even improve bone health. Physical activity also appears to help relieve depression in some people.

Below are ten health benefits you can get even with moderate regular exercise.

1. Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is an integral part of the body’s immune response. The body tries to heal itself after an injury. It’s a defense against viruses and bacteria; and helps repair damaged tissues. However, too much inflammation can be detrimental. A moderate exercise session has a cellular response that can help suppress inflammation in the body.

2. Helps to lower triglycerides in the body.

Triglycerides are the principal components of body fat in humans and other vertebrates. They are also very much present in the blood and allow the bidirectional transfer of blood glucose from the liver and are an essential component of human skin. Yet, increased triglyceride levels are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Men who engage in moderate exercise have the lower triglyceride levels.

3. Lower risk of hypertension

As blood pressure rises, the risk of heart disease and stroke rises. Unfortunately, blood pressure levels generally increase as we age. Some health experts conducted several experiments on men within the age range of 18 to 30 years old. The study revealed that the more physically active the men on which this experiment was carried out, the lower the risk of them developing hypertension.

4. Lower Cholesterol

As we age, cholesterol levels begin to move in the wrong direction. Levels of bad cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), gradually increases. Levels of good cholesterol in our body, known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL), begins to decrease. Unfortunately, the combination of high LDL and low HDL is one of the main risk factors for heart disease. Excess cholesterol builds up on the inner lining of blood vessels, causing heart attack and atherosclerosis. One of the best ways to keep low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels low is to exercise regularly.

5. Healthy blood vessels

Blood vessels in the body should be flexible enough to widen and narrow. Smoking, cholesterol build-up, and ageing tend to stiffen blood vessels, increasing the risk of a heart attack. In-depth research shows that physical training helps maintain the ability of blood vessels to open and contract in response to changing physical demands.

6. Lower risk of diabetes

If you are insulin resistant, exercise will make your insulin more effective.  That said, your insulin resistance decreases as you exercise, and your cells can use glucose more efficiently.  Exercise helps people with type 2 diabetes to avoid long-term complications, particularly heart problems. One diabetes expert found that exercise and weight loss programs reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 58% over three years.

7. Protection Against Colon Cancer

Although colon cancer is highly preventable, there are still several important risk factors that people cannot control. Knowing the category you fall into can help you understand your risk and take steps to reduce it. Experts say that about 80% of cases of colon cancer could be prevented. A healthier diet (with more fiber and whole grains) is part of the recipe.  But exercise is just as important as diet. Studies have shown that physical activity can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 30-40%.

8. Strong bones

Engaging in intense exercise can increase bone density, especially in the hips. Things like fast walking or jogging, and resistance exercises.  Going uphill or downhill will have an even more significant impact on your bones, and this can further improve bone health.

 9. Weight Loss

A lifetime of regular physical activity, even simple activities like a half-hour walk most days, can help keep your belly from bulging above your belt. Experts analyzed the habits of 10 men who lost more than 10% of their body weight and managed to maintain it for at least a year.  It was discovered that eight out of 10 of them reported increasing their exercise regimen.

10. Longer Life

A recent study found that men in their 70s who exercise regularly and who participate in recreational activities (jogging, skiing, swimming, playing ball, or gardening) were up to 21% less likely to develop cardiovascular disease or die from the disease during the study period.

How Much Exercise Do You Need to Get These Health Benefits?

The answer to the amount of exercise you need depends on your fitness goal. Burning about 1,000 extra calories per week during activities is likely to extend your life. A half-hour walk most days of the week is all you need to reduce the risk of colon cancer and diabetes significantly. But the more physical activities you can incorporate into your daily life, the healthier you will be.

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